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Read this article that takes you through unpowered play equipment

2023-11-09 10:29:35

In recent years, the development and update speed of outdoor unpowered amusement rides is surprising, especially with the promotion of cultural tourism market. Powerless amusement equipment refers to amusement facilities that are not driven by power devices, and it is essentially a new type of children's amusement facilities that are child-oriented, interactive and participatory. There is a big difference between unpowered amusement equipment and powered amusement facilities in terms of the purpose of use, function, etc. Unpowered amusement equipment allows children to participate more independently and freely.


Outdoor unpowered amusement facilities fully release children's sporting nature, according to children's behavioral characteristics and psychological needs, and give full consideration to children's different age development stages with different play products.

Children of 1-3 years old usually play alone and do some identification in touch, sight and hearing. This stage is suitable for playing with sand, clay, water, swings and slides.

Children 3-6 years of age begin to develop a sense of community and play in groups, enjoying some symbolic play, abstract toys, chairs tables, slides, and mobiles.

Children 6-8 years old enjoy testing their dexterity on complex structures like climbing nets that evoke different motor responses.

8-10 year olds enjoy demonstrating their body's balance and coordination on more complex climbing facilities.


There are many categories of non-powered play equipment, such as: large drilling nets, theme modeling equipment, large climbing nets, trampolines, stainless steel slides, sand pool parks, jungle leaps, physical expansion and so on belong to the category of non-powered. Unpowered amusement equipment according to the type of experience can be divided into challenge type, interactive, experience type, the difference between the three, but also related to each other, inextricably linked.

1、Challenging type: This kind of amusement facilities for safety belt equipment, in the high altitude for obstacles across, climbing, descending and other series of play, strong stimulation. Like the "air walk" high-altitude rope challenge equipment belongs to the challenging powerless amusement facilities.

2, interactive: this type of equipment is interesting, high interaction between people, activities of the site is larger, no need to wear a safety device. Like the pinecone parent-child playground designed by Inchley, the equipment belongs to the interactive type of non-powered amusement facilities.

3, experience type: this type of equipment is mostly small equipment, most of which are supporting facilities for children. Like "block maze", "sand pool", "stainless steel slide" type of equipment belongs to the experience type of powerless amusement facilities.

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