Industry News

Advantages of wooden play equipment

2023-09-26 09:01:51

With the increasing demand for authenticity and originality, children's playgrounds are being affected in the same way. Through data analysis, in the last few years, original children's playgrounds will be favored by more and more people. In kindergartens, parks and other places, we see wooden children's play equipment are full of natural flavor, they have a unique shape, back to the natural landscape of the park can attract the attention of the children, so that they have an interest in playing.


So what are the advantages of wooden children's play equipment? Why is wooden play equipment so popular now? The following fly friend amusement simple to introduce to you:

1, wooden children's play equipment color scheme is very consistent with the needs of children's growth, most of the products as a whole colorful, has a good degree of recognition, to help children identify different colors, cultivate children's aesthetic perception, help children's future growth, and the log equipment better fit the surrounding environment, so that the park and the integration of nature as a whole, the real experience of being in the natural world of fun.

2, wooden play equipment has a feature that other play equipment can not be compared, that is, environmental protection, and children's skin contact will not stimulate the skin, for children is very friendly. Wooden equipment will generally use anticorrosive wood, its long service life, maintenance is simple, compared to other equipment is more practical and convenient.


3, wooden children's play equipment its style simple color tone texture, from the appearance of its function can be seen directly, the extent of the product can be played and entertainment, and the difference between the complex structure and the structure of the simple at a glance, with a very direct feeling.

4, through the appearance of wooden children's play equipment, we can roughly see the level of craftsmanship, the degree of smoothness of the product as well as the difficulty of the process, to understand the artistic value of the product can be based on the original shape of the wood to build, build, and each of its modeling is a unique presence, more distinctive.

5, due to the diversity of wood, wooden children's play equipment selection is also flexible, from the appearance of the product can be seen in the texture, parts, color and other aspects of the texture, wooden children's play equipment design aspects of the rationality and texture.

Industry News



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